Presentation of the project ‘UnInLeCo’ at the SIM Conference in Timisoara, Romania
The project team from International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia participated in the 17th International Symposium in Management (SIM), also known as SIM 2023. The symposium, organized from October 20 to 21, took place in Timisoara, Romania, a city holding the status of European Capital of Culture for the year 2023. The event brought together approximately 200 participants from various countries who gathered to share and discuss their projects and research findings. The project ‘UnInLeCo’ was presented in the plenary session.
The project ‘UnInLeCo’ , with contribution titled’ Supporting the inclusion of seniors into the digital world’ was discussed also in the conference session, see the program .
Educational excursion for seniors in Piran, Slovenia
In collaboration with the Third Age University Litija, the UnInLeCo project, which focuses on digitally empowering vulnerable groups, seniors in Slovenia, organized an educational excursion to Piran, Slovenia, under the banner of "Digital Horizons: Empowering Seniors." The aim was to enhance seniors' digital skills while ensuring an enriching experience. The day commenced in Litija with participants' assembly and a warm welcome and registration in Koper. The morning session featured a comprehensive digital literacy workshop, emphasizing smartphone skills, QR code usage, and the significance of knowledge dissemination. An extended lunch break in Piran encouraged networking and mobile phone use for practical purposes, including QR code scanning for finding the menu. In Piran, participants explored the town while engaging with mobile devices, finding paths with Google Maps, taking photos and making short video clips and attended an educational event at the Parish of St. George. The return journey provided time for reflection, and the day concluded with a closing session in Litija. This event celebrated the empowerment of seniors in the digital age, offering a blend of learning and enjoyable exploration while promoting knowledge dissemination.
Presentation of the project UnInLeCo at MakeLearn & TIIM International Scientific Conference in Malta
In the term between 18 and 20 May 2023 was in Valetta, Malta held the international MakeLearn, TIIM & PIC Scientific Conference Makelearn & TIIM Conference 2023 - Malta ( At the conference was presented paper contribution titled 'Reinforcing digital inclusion of vulnerable groups in post-Covid period’ and the project UnInLeCo. Participants from 30 different countries attended the conference. Around 250 persons participated in the conference F2F, and about 200 participants joined online.
Presentation of the project UnInLeCo at training activities of project VALEU-X in Albania
In the frame of Erasmus +, K2 CBHE project titled Virtual Albanian European Universities eXchange - VALEU-X, ISSBS conducted training in November 2022 at six Albanian universities. The training covered the areas of quality in higher education, project cooperation and publication of research results in international journals. During the training, ISSBS presented all ongoing projects, including the project UnInLeCo.